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Information for Potential Scholars

Why become a Discovery Scholar?

The goal of the Discovery Scholars Program (DSP) is to nurture undergraduates through scholarly and creative projects with faculty and staff􀃠 mentors, and to encourage scholars to continue their education in graduate or professional school. Through the DSP, scholars become active collaborators and gain invaluable experience for their future academic and/or career aspirations.


What do Discovery Scholars do?

Discovery Scholars work closely with their faculty mentor to identify a feasible scholarly or creative project that is not already part of existing coursework. Projects typically take anywhere from 1 to 3 semesters, although there are no restrictions on project length. Projects will naturally be aligned with the mentor’s area of expertise, so keep that in mind when contacting potential mentors. While working on their projects, scholars also complete 7 professional development goals, which are designed to promote and academic and career success. Completing professional development goals also gets you additional DSP swag!


How do Scholars find mentors?

Any faculty member from New Mexico State University can potentially be a mentor, although not everyone is always available. The easiest way to find a mentor is to ask one of your favorite professors or someone who has taught your favorite class. Even if they are not available to be a mentor, they might have a good recommendation for you. If you need assistance, feel free to contact us and let us know what sort of research or scholarly work interests you!


Ready to learn more?

If you think that the Discovery Scholars Program is right for you, check out our Potential Scholar FAQ to learn all about the application and program completion details.

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